Students of the Government Arts College staging a demonstration outside the college in the city on Tuesday.

Government Arts College students boycott classes

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Students of the Government Arts College staging a demonstration outside the college in the city on Tuesday.

Students of Government Arts College boycotted classes and staged a demonstration putting forth various demands here on Tuesday.

According to Dhinesh Raja, a student and district president of Students’ Federation of India (SFI), the primary demands of the students were reduction in examination fees, provision of free sanitary napkins and ensuring basic infrastructure in the college such as water supply in toilets, fans and lights in classrooms, and maintenance of toilets.

Nearly 6,000 students boycotted classes and nearly 100 students participated in the demonstration staged on Tuesday noon. The demonstration was organised by the SFI, Mr. Raja said.

“We will visit the Joint Director of Collegiate Education on Wednesday and submit a petition with the stated demands”, Mr. Raja said. Boycotting of classes would continue till the demands were met, he said, adding that the students have also planned to meet District Collector K. Rajamani regarding this issue.

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