Filmmaker Bhagyaraj has made some insensitive comments and Twitter was quick to slam him.

Filmmaker Bhagyaraj has made some insensitive comments and Twitter was quick to slam him.

Tamil director Bhagyaraj on sexual assault victims: ‘Boys not only ones responsible, women have a weakness and they used it’

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Speaking at the music launch of his film Karuthukalai Pathivu Sei, Bhagyaraj made misogynistic and offensive comments about victims of sexual assault that were met with loud cheers by the audience.

Filmmaker Bhagyaraj has made some insensitive comments and Twitter was quick to slam him.
Filmmaker Bhagyaraj has made some insensitive comments and Twitter was quick to slam him.

Tamil filmmaker and actor K Bhagyaraj’s offensive and misogynistic comments incurred the wrath of Twitter, with many demanding action against him. At a music launch, he said that women were equally responsible for sexual crimes committed against them.

Speaking at the music launch of his upcoming film Karuthukalai Pathivu Sei on Monday, Bhagyaraj said, “Women create a situation that allows mistakes to happen. Things will be alright if you (women) behave correctly. You can’t always only blame boys.”

The event was being held in Bengaluru and Bhagyaraj’s distasteful comments were met with loud cheer and applause by the audience

“Back in the day, there were certain restrictions on women. But with the inception of telephone, those restrictions have gone. Women used to be within limits and were restrained till the advent of the mobile phone. It pains me to say this, but then, we find women whispering into their cell phones everywhere, even on roads. What they would talk, I wonder,” Bhagyraj further said.

The actor-director kept insisting that women can avoid such crimes, merely by restraining themselves. “We read in newspapers about a wife killing her husband, her baby to be with her lover. That’s why ladies should be in control. They should keep themselves in a limit. Self-regulate themselves,” he said.

Karuthugalai Pathivusei is said to be based on the Pollachi sexual assault . He also talked about the scam and said,“The boys are not the only ones responsible. You have a weakness and he has correctly used it. If what he did is a big mistake then you have also created an opportunity for that (to take place). That only is a very big mistake.”

Check out some of the reactions on Twitter:

According to a Newsminute report, Karuthukalai Pathivu Sei is about a woman who is duped by people she meets through social media – a premise similar to the Pollachi sexual assault and extortion case that shook Tamil Nadu in February this year.

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