Only 87 of 82,884 showed side effects of vaccine in Mumbai

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Minor side effects include fever, weakness and bodyache, however, no major side effect has been reported in Mumbai yet, BMC officials said.

Amid the preparation for the third phase of vaccination for the general public, the data provided by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has revealed that a mere 87 of the 82,884 Covid-19 vaccine beneficiaries as of Monday – only 0.10% in the ongoing phase one and two for healthcare and frontline workers – reported minor side effects or adverse effect following immunization (AEFI).

Minor side effects include fever, weakness and bodyache, however, no major side effect has been reported in Mumbai yet, BMC officials said. The civic body has urged everyone to undergo vaccination in the coming days and have also started walk-in vaccination for the ongoing two phases.

Suresh Kakani, additional municipal commissioner, told reporters, “I have taken the vaccine, and would like to inform everyone that the vaccine is completely safe for every citizen. So far, the complaints are only of minor side effects. No major adverse effects have been reported yet.”

According to the BMC’s data, topping the vaccinations is Bhabha Hospital, followed by Rajawadi, where more than 22,000 healthcare and frontline workers have been vaccinated. When the vaccination started in the city on January 16, there were nine vaccination centres, however, they have increased to 21, as of Monday.

In the coming days, the BMC plans to rope in private hospitals, as in the phase three, it plans to vaccinate three million citizens who have comorbidities or are above the age of 50. The BMC has also shortlisted 13 private hospitals and will add more in the coming days. In total, the BMC has received 100 application from private hospitals.

Dr Sachin Jain of Khar’s Hinduja Hospital said, “I took the first dose of the vaccine on January 16, and I was among the first few healthcare workers to be vaccinated. On Saturday, I will take the second dose. I would like to convey to everyone that the vaccine is completely safe to be administered. Many have reported minor symptoms such as fever or weakness post vaccination, but that is after every vaccination. Whenever the vaccine is made available for the general public, I hope everyone takes it. Twenty countries are taking vaccines from us, and hence it has to be safe to administer.”

On Tuesday, 6,310 healthcare workers were vaccinated followed by 2,881 frontline workers. One more vaccination centre – Mulund Covid-19 jumbo centre – taking the total to 22 vaccination centres. As of Tuesday, the BMC has vaccinated 89,194 individuals.

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