RaashiiKhanna, GrihaPravesh, HouseWarming

Raashii's New Home

Raashii Khanna’s ‘Griha Pravesh’: Actor Welcomes New Home in Hyderabad

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Popular actor Raashii Khanna, known for her role in ‘Yodha’, recently celebrated the acquisition of her third property in Hyderabad. The actor hosted an intimate ‘griha pravesh’ ceremony, inviting close family and friends to partake in the auspicious occasion.

While Raashii Khanna hasn’t shared pictures of the ceremony on her social media, fan pages have circulated images of the event. The viral snapshots depict the actor performing traditional rituals with her family, adding to the joyous atmosphere.

In an exclusive interview with India Today.in, Raashii Khanna candidly addressed the underwhelming performance of ‘Yodha’ at the box office. Despite acknowledging the disappointment surrounding the film’s reception, the actor remained optimistic, emphasizing the value of the creative journey and the lessons learned from the project.

Reflecting on the challenges of drawing audiences to theaters amidst the prevalence of OTT platforms, Raashii Khanna expressed confidence in ‘Yodha’, asserting that every film has its destiny and lessons to offer.

‘Yodha’ hit theaters on March 15, marking another milestone in Raashii Khanna’s illustrious career.

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