Tamil Nadu, elephant electrocution, wildlife safety, Coimbatore

Another Elephant Electrocuted

Another Elephant Electrocuted in Tamil Nadu Amid Rising Concerns for Wildlife Safety

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In a distressing turn of events, another elephant has died due to electrocution in Coimbatore, just two days after the Madras High Court summoned the principal chief conservator of forests and TANGEDCO chairman to explain the recent electrocution of four elephants in Dharmapuri district. This tragic incident marks the fifth such case in Tamil Nadu within a month, sparking widespread concern over the safety of the state’s elephant population.

Images from the scene depict the lifeless body of the elephant with an electric pole resting on top of it, underscoring the gravity of the situation. Animal activists and political leaders have urgently called for government intervention to prevent further incidents and ensure the protection of these majestic animals.

The series of electrocutions has highlighted the need for stricter regulations and better enforcement of existing laws to safeguard wildlife from such hazards. Immediate and effective action is being demanded to address this pressing issue and protect Tamil Nadu’s vulnerable elephant population.

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