Police said the husband carried the acid to the court in a water bottle.

Police said the husband carried the acid to the court in a water bottle.

Horrific Acid Attack Unfolds as Man Targets Wife Inside Coimbatore Court Complex

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Coimbatore: In a shocking incident, a man unleashed a brutal acid attack on his wife within the premises of a court complex in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, on Thursday. The assailant, identified as Sivakumar, is now facing legal consequences as police swiftly registered a case against him.

The distressing incident occurred just as the court was about to commence the hearing of a case filed by the victim, Chitra, against her husband. Chitra had previously lodged a complaint against Sivakumar, setting the stage for a grim turn of events within the Coimbatore court.

Present at the court awaiting the proceedings, Chitra fell victim to a sudden and violent attack as Sivakumar threw acid on her face. Shockingly, the corrosive substance was reportedly concealed in a water bottle carried by the assailant.

Quick-thinking lawyers who were present on the court premises immediately apprehended Sivakumar, preventing further harm. The police intervened promptly as a sizable crowd gathered, averting any potential retaliation against the attacker.

Following the incident, authorities registered a case against Sivakumar for perpetrating the acid attack on his wife. Coimbatore Deputy Commissioner Sandheesh stated, “We have secured the accused. The man threw acid on his wife. He had brought it in a water bottle.”

This disturbing episode serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for heightened security measures within court complexes and reinforces the broader societal challenge of addressing gender-based violence.

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